"Yet every one of us who has the power of godliness in our heart will be inclined to seek the things of God. And whatever our state, this power will give us strength enough to overcome our weak inclinations so that these holy exercises will prevail over our weaknesses." -Jonathan Edwards (Religious Affections)
I love what Edwards is saying here. He is making a case that all people are lifeless animations, essentially, apart from our affections. If one has godliness, or a propensity toward Christ in one's heart, that individual will be brought to life by the compelling energy of that affection. If God is the energy behind our person He will be what is seen. We also receive power from these affections, if of God, to overcome those things that are the most dark, and the most depraved within us. I am finding myself continually more aware of my selfish, and privated inclinations. I must commit myself to letting God be my operating energy, my life behind my motions, the affection behind my exercise.