Labels: divine simplicity
Labels: divine simplicity
I wrote an article on Sunday called "The Million Dollar Degree." I would love some feedback. Let me know what you think! Elephants on Parade
"He (St. Anthony) subjected himself in sincerity to the good men whom he visited, and learned thoroughly where each surpassed him in zeal and discipline. He observed the graciousness of one; the unceasing prayer of another; he took knowledge of another's freedom from anger and another's loving-kindness; he gave heed to one as he watched, to another as he studied; one he admired for his endurance, another for his fasting and sleeping on the ground; the meekness of one and the long-suffering of another he watched with care, while he took note of the piety towards Christ and the mutual love which animated all. Thus filled, he returned to his own place of discipline, and henceforth would strive to unite the qualities of each, and was eager to show in himself the virtues of all." - Athanasius the Great of Alexandria "Life of St. Anthony"
Check out my latest "Theolook" post on the revelation and power of Scripture.
Labels: apocalypsus, authority, canon, revelation, scripture