Check out Bobby's newest post on the Lenten season as this last day overtakes us. I was struck by something Bobby said late last night. "We live much of our lives in that day between the death and resurrection." Only a very few moments of our lives do we feel the gravity of death or the joy of rebirth. I enjoyed breakfast this morning on a screened porch in New Palestine, Indiana. It was so nice to feel the wind lightly dust my face. The sun was all but up, and the rain clouds had yet to settle over the sky. So much peace was in the air today. Yet there is this weight, the world is pregnant with anticipation. How fitting that on this Saturday, between Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, that it rains. Two thousand years ago such a rain descended on Palestine, it brought on its shoulders the despair of the entirety of creation.
We know that on the wings of tomorrow's dawn a whole new life will be lived. Tomorrow is Easter, and the promise of salvation will be on my mind.
Grace and Peace,