Monday, March 06, 2006

March 1st, 2006

Wednesday was a long day. Woke up early and went out for breakfast with three of my favorite girls in the whole world, and one of their twin sisters. We didn't really even talk about anything, but it somehow never got old. Two of the five are different, somehow set apart. They are very genuine. Kelsey is seeing this guy, lots of potential, but never really been invested in. Sarah is a sweetheart. Don't know where either of them really stand on spirituality. Kelsey is rock solid in her character, and goes to first Presbyterian, but I don't know how much of what she heard is on religion as oppose to relationship. Sarah's dad is a Christian, and she has the heart, but I've never talked about it with her. They both remain in my prayers.

Spiritual question: why do adults with so much to give spend so much time not investing?

Spent some good time on my computer at Jumpin' Java. Out of nowhere Bailey dropped in. Interesting and unexpected. We played chess, I won. I even typed a paper for a scholarship, and still won, I must learn to speak humbly of myself on nerd games.

Went with Doris to get her oil changed. It never happened. The lady from the shop brought us back to Java. The next hour before I signed in for the night was occupied by a massive conquest on Doris' part over a game of Scrabble. I wish public speaking were like Scrabble. Systematically placing words, completely controlled, and never rushed or panic stricken.
Work went by slowly, only items of note were that I got to work with Laura and a couple in the lonely booth. I could hear him pressuring her to engage in intercourse with him. It killed me. This carnal tussle between instinct and true intimacy. Why do so many lovely young ladies have to go through this? Why do so many men try to find themselves in this violent unfulfilling conquest?

Spiritual exhortation: Let us try to fill ourselves with Christ and let all else fall aside!

Went over to Jess' house. It was a great night. Just kinda chilled in the “Hooka Nook” (don't worry, there are no narcotics involved in the hooka nook.). Any time spent with those girls is a gift from God.


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