Monday, March 06, 2006

March 3, 2006

Woke up at the but-crack of dawn this morning. Wanted to make sure Jess' clothes were perfect, I think she expected when she wasn't the one waking me up, I was calling her. She had to go back to her place to get the directions and makeup ideas. Got to my house, which by the way was her inaugural visit. I was overwhelmed during my morning prayer time of just how good I think she could be at the public speaking thing. I was talking with Christina about how Real was going two weeks ago at FP Fusion, and she told me about how much she loved Jess, and the kind of impact she was having on her. Knowing what I know about Christina I am so glad that she has a role model like her. I think of what I could have been like, or what Jess could have been like if we would have had the kind of investment in us that Jess puts into her girls. My word for this year is character. One of the things I've been praying over my own life is that I would act on leadings of the spirit, and so after I got done praying I borrowed the bro's car to go give Jess a book. I just really do think she could change the lives of so many young women out there, and want to do everything I can to see her live out her dream.

Thought for Jess: We are the change we want to see in the world! Go conquer it, and if you ever have doubts call me and I'll put some sense back in ya! ~All the love in the world.

Levi's birthday was yesterday, and I didn't get to spend much time with him at all. To make up for it we went up to the mall, and chilled there for a while. I love shopping with the kid. He is the only person I really trust when it comes to style, sorry to all of my other friends, but he's gay, he's just one up on you. I realized today how much I like being around him, it proves that blood is thicker than watter. He dropped me off at work.

Rachel came in tonight, I had told Leslie about the fight and she told her. I hate seeing people cry, especially for what this was over. There are no words to describe it. Looking into the eyes of this young woman, so innocent, yet so afflicted. I believe that I now understand righteous anger, I just hope that I can harness this for good in my life. How can I treat people better. Where do I lack in my encouragement of others? How can I be a more meaningful participant in peoples lives. And most importantly of all, how can I better embody Christ every day, what can I do to more clearly mirror His face to the world?

Questions for the King: Why Lord do you let such good people suffer so greatly, and could you in some way use me to lessen their suffering?


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