Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So... Interesting day today. Ended up opening, realized how much I like that time of day. Worked with Craig, Ephraim, and Deb. I am really pretty excited for this week. I am teaching a seminar on coffee and it should be really good.

Had a good insight today. I write a lot because I like to. There are a very few days when I write, not because I love it, but because I think it will get me noticed. I don't want to be that guy. I want to write out of my love for God, my love for people, and the work that is going on in my life. I think that I can be very prone to ego. My humility is one thing that I pray in earnest God will grow in me.

Helped out a friend of our family today sanding some doors for finish. Went and helped him with his website.

I feel that I am making some negative progress toward dishonesty again. Not that I am lying again, it has been a while, but I am falling in to some habits of unreliability, and exaggeration. These are things that make me realize that I have an insufficient accountability network set up to handle. I need to really work on this!!!

Talk to Jess tonight. It had been far too long. I had begun to feel like she was ignoring me, and didn't want to be friends with me any more. Before I was friends with Jess I had never had a friend from that kind of social infrastructure, and very regularly find myself feeling inadequate, and ignored. If you know Jess, you would know that it is much more that she just struggles with being reliable and dependable. There are no bad feelings or anything. In fact as always, I think, and she affirms that she and Casper still feel the same way about me, and very highly value my friendship. Oh to be secure!!!

Stick with me God!!!


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